"It happened 43 years ago in a shop class in high school, with a small bookshelf. It’s hard to believe that a simple bookshelf changed the course of my life. One day it's a bookshelf and before you know it, a house. I have spent the last 43 years in the construction field, trying different things to expand on my knowledge of woodworking and different mediums such as metal fabrication and stained glass restoration.
I had a wise man, my grandfather, once tell me “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right” and that philosophy has stuck with me my whole life. I love trying new things to expand my mind and teach others what I’ve learned and also what I’ve failed at. Making items that will last a lifetime so it can be passed down to the next generation is something that I strive for. Being a maker is one of my passions, I enjoy making items that bring joy to others."
-Ed Pelotte